Smile Makeover

A woman with a smile on her face.

Our personalized treatments, including porcelain veneers, dental crowns, and teeth whitening, will help you regain confidence in your smile.

Our cosmetic dentist Dr. Robert Palmer is skilled in the artistry and functional aspects of cosmetic dentistry treatment.

With a treatment plan tailored to your smile specifications, Velux Dental is committed to providing you with personalized and comfortable care that is predictable and long-lasting!

A woman with a smile on her face.

What Cosmetic Dentistry Can Correct

  • Discolored teeth
  • Chipped teeth
  • Gapped teeth
  • Disproportionate teeth
  • Uneven gumline
  • Asymmetrical smile

Select Treatments At Slc Dental

Porcelain Veneers

Veneers are thin shells of porcelain that cover just the front portion of the teeth that show when you smile. Once your teeth have been modified (a small portion of enamel removed), veneers fit naturally and restore the proper size, shape, and alignment of your teeth. With minimal maintenance and maximum longevity, porcelain veneers are a beneficial and hassle-free choice for renewing your smile.

Same-Day Dental Bridges

Our family dentist will complete a thorough examination of your child’s mouth. We may take low-radiation X-rays as well to assess bone health and look for signs of tooth decay. If we notice your child suffers from tongue-tie or lip-tie, or may benefit from a space maintainer or orthodontics, we may refer your child to a specialist for treatment.

Same-Day Dental Crowns

Crowns are porcelain or ceramic “caps” for your teeth that conceal cosmetic and functional damage. They are durable and crack-resistant, which makes them a good choice for molars and front teeth that are cracked/, broken, or misshapen. A tooth crown can generally last 15 years or more when cared for properly. Our in-house, computer-aided technology called CEREC eliminates the need for temporary crowns. CEREC enables the creating of same-day dental crowns made of metal-free, high-grade ceramic material that closely matches the composition of your natural tooth structure.

Teeth Whitening

Professional teeth whitening ranges from 1-hour in-office whitening sessions to KöR whitening, the only recognized system in the world that will even whiten tetracycline (dark) stained teeth. These take-home home trays with professional-grade bleaching gel are only worn while you sleep, so they won’t interfere with your daily activities. Depending on your time constraints and preferences, teeth whitening can be customized to your needs as well as your specific smile goals. Our cosmetic dentist will monitor your treatment to ensure your whitening is natural and aesthetically pleasing.

Inlays and Onlays

Sometimes teeth only need small cosmetic adjustments to restore their natural aesthetics and function. If you don’t need a complete crown, we offer inlays and onlays to spruce up your smile instead. Inlays replace an inside portion of a tooth and onlays restore one or more cusps of a tooth to renew strength and structure.

Crown Lengthening

During this procedure, we improve the aesthetics of your smile by removing excess gum tissue around your upper teeth to make them look longer. If your gum line is uneven, crown lengthening can sculpt it to produce a more symmetrical, balanced smile. This procedure is sometimes done to expose more of your tooth’s crown to support a filling or restoration.

Gum Recession Treatment

Although gums don’t grow back, two procedures offered at SLC Dental can reverse receding gums. During traditional gum grafting, we take a small piece of gum tissue from a different place in your mouth and use it to cover the exposed tooth roots. The innovative Pinhole® Surgical Technique involves making a small hole in your gum tissue below the recession site, then gently loosening, guiding, and reshaping your gum tissue over the receded part of your tooth with specially designed instruments.


Crooked teeth almost always result in cosmetic concerns, even if their misalignment isn’t causing functional problems affecting your bite. We offer a range of orthodontic treatments that can be tailored to your needs, including clear aligners. ClearCorrect braces offered at Velux Dental are a comfortable and attractive alternative for busy adults who don’t want to deal with traditional metal braces. We’ll help you determine the most optimal solution to correct your crooked teeth and improve the beauty of your smile. Orthodontic treatment generally lasts between 6-24 months, depending on your unique case.

Three men standing next to each other smiling.A group of women standing next to each other.
A man in a black shirt is smiling.A woman with curly hair standing in front of a white sculpture.
A group of women standing next to each other.
A man in a black scrub top smiles at the camera.A woman standing in front of a white sculpture.
A group of people posing for a picture.A woman in a black shirt is smiling.
A man standing in front of a white sculpture.A woman in a black shirt smiles at the camera.
A group of people standing next to each other.

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