Full Mouth Dental Implants

A person in blue gloves holding a toothbrush.

Full mouth dental implant solutions replace all your teeth on either the upper jaw, the lower jaw, or both. Dr. Robert Palmer has performed more than 1,000 dental implant surgeries at Velux Dental.

Offering full mouth dental implants in Salt Lake City, UT is especially fulfilling because it reflects the philosophy he brings to his practice of clinical excellence combined with compassion.

If you’re missing teeth and eating and daily life are bringing you down, you may be an ideal candidate for full arch dental implants.

Traditional Dentures Vs. Dental Implants

In the past, dentures were the only solution for multiple missing teeth. Dentures are full arch prosthetics that rest on your gums. Unfortunately, without a tooth root to stimulate healthy bone growth, the bone begins to recede, often resulting in ill-fitting dentures that slip even with the strongest adhesives.

Dentures also need to be removed and cleaned daily to eliminate food particles and bacteria and prevent permanent stains. Traditional dentures often interfere with eating and their palate can decrease or alter the taste of food.

Implant supported dentures secured with dental implants are a cost effective, more stable alternative than regular dentures, however, there is another option that can bring you even closer to the look, function, and feel of natural teeth. Full arch dental implants are the ultimate full mouth tooth restoration and only permanent solution for missing teeth.

This tooth replacement solution can restore more than 99% of natural function, meaning you can eat all the foods you love, as well as smile, converse, and laugh without feeling self-conscious! No other dental solution provides the long-lasting, life-changing advantages of full mouth dental implants.

  • Removable
  • Lasts 5+ years
  • May require adhesives
  • Allow bone recession
  • Limit food choices
  • Removable or fixed
  • Lasts 10+ years
  • Secured by 2+ implants
  • Limit bone recession
  • Expanded food choices
  • Fixed for lasting support
  • Lasts decades to a lifetime
  • Secured by 4+ implants
  • Prevents bone recession
  • No dietary limitations

Transform Your Smile In Three Streamlined Steps

Step One: Consultation And Planning

We’ll start any treatment with a personalized consultation where you’ll meet with Dr. Palmer to discuss your functional and aesthetic goals for your final smile. In-house technology including intraoral scanners, digital implant software, and sophisticated 3D printers enable us to create a streamlined and customized solution. Pre-planning your surgery eliminates the possibility of error and ensures a high degree of precision. The end result will be durable and natural-looking teeth that fit perfectly.

Step Two: Guided Implant Surgery

We leverage digital surgical plans to custom design a surgical guide fabricated with our own 3D printer. Guided implant surgery results in greater precision and predictability, taking the guesswork out of the equation. Your dental implants are placed in areas of your jaw that have dense bone and positioned to optimize the fit of your final teeth. If necessary, we can usually extract any remaining teeth and perform bone grafting during the same appointment. If the dental implants have attained the desired primary stability, we attach your temporary bridge of teeth. This technique provides an efficient and comfortable surgery that can be completed in just a few hours. Digital impressions will also be taken at this time to help our dental lab design your final restoration. You’ll leave our office with an attached set of comfortable temporary teeth that function fully and look natural.

Step Three: Healing and Final Restoration

It generally takes three or more months for your treatment site to heal from surgery. During this time, the dental implants will integrate with your jawbone. Once they fuse, your dental implants function like natural tooth roots, providing a secure permanent support for your new fixed teeth. The final stage of the process is fitting you with your custom-made full arch bridge of teeth. We highly recommend state-of-the-art zirconia which is resistant to chips and fractures and available in custom shades and colors that replicate the natural appearance of healthy teeth and gums.

The Velux Dental Difference

At Velux Dental, we offer top-quality full mouth tooth loss solutions under one roof for your ultimate comfort and convenience. You’ll receive your new smile in a timely manner from a compassionate team committed to delivering the best possible dental experience from start to finish.

Dr. Palmer has extensive credentials and expertise including American Board of Oral Implantology/Implant Dentistry certification, American Academy of Implant Dentistry MaxiCourses®, and sedation training. Our practice offers oral, nitrous oxide, and IV sedation and performs implant preparatory treatments such as tooth extractions and bone grafting (e.g. ridge augmentation and sinus lifts) in-house, eliminating the need to visit multiple providers.

Dental Implants Are A Long-Term Investment In Happiness

Although full mouth dental implants are generally more expensive than a bridge or denture alternative, they are a true investment in your long-term health and happiness. You should consider this solution a lifetime investment versus an expense. Dental implants customized for you at Velux Dental in Salt Lake City, UT can give you a new lease on life. We want everyone to be able to receive this life-changing treatment which is why we’ll file insurance on your behalf and even partner with third-party financing companies so you have the option of manageable monthly payments. When it comes to your family’s smiles and oral health, we believe you deserve nothing short of the best dental care and will treat you like a member of our extended family!

Three men standing next to each other smiling.A group of women standing next to each other.
A man in a black shirt is smiling.A woman with curly hair standing in front of a white sculpture.
A group of women standing next to each other.
A man in a black scrub top smiles at the camera.A woman standing in front of a white sculpture.
A group of people posing for a picture.A woman in a black shirt is smiling.
A man standing in front of a white sculpture.A woman in a black shirt smiles at the camera.
A group of people standing next to each other.

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